Happy to announce the second release from Standard Templates. Showcase your work in a timeless style with rich typography, subtle animation and attention to detail with Baseline.

Check it out on the Framer marketplace. And, if you decide to use it, send me over a link – I'd love to see what you make with it.

I've just recently launched a new premium Framer template Bureau. Built for art, design & photography journaling, and yes this very site is using it the template.

Check out the live preview and if you like it you can purchase here.

Jul 30, 2022

I'm back from an amazing week with all the Tines team together in Chicago. As part of the preparation for this annual company offsite, it felt timely that these events should have their mini-identity. I worked with the team on a visual design language that sits alongside our core brand, feeling fresh yet familiar.

Borrowing from existing typographic styles, a series of shapes abstracted from in-product features were used and aligned at random on a grid pattern reminiscent of the Storyboard canvas within the Tines product.